Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall clean up with the Cornetts

Cloth Diapers

I have decided to venture into the world of cloth diapering. I was interested in using cloth when Brady was born, but as a new mom was overwhelmed with how many new
things I needed to learn. So I went the easy route - disposable. Now that Drew is 2 months and we are settling into our routines I decided to give cloth another look. I had no idea what I was getting into. There are so many different styles of cloth diapers. And for each style there are multiple brands. How on earth to choose???? Now I have to admit that my choice to switch to cloth wasn't 100% about the cost savings or saving our landfills from hundreds of diapers that don't biodegrade. Those two factors are part of my decision and do make me feel great about the change. But to be honest- I love the look of cloth diapers. They are so cute and the modern diapers come in some wonderful fabrics. I bought a couple of styles to try and will see how things go. Check out Drew in the really cute Fuzzi Bunz.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


It has been more than a month since my last post. Much has happenend this past month. I've opted to leave my current position in order to spend more time with the boys. Beginning next month I'll be working two days a week for a local office here in Portland. I'm really looking forward to the change!

Drew is almost 2 months now. He's such a happy baby and is sleeping well. Bath time is one of his favorites!

We've figured out (although I'm not sure I'd say mastered) getting out of the house with both boys. Here we are with everyone loaded...even Riley!

Our zoo trip with Kim and her 2 kids, Alison and her 2 kids (baby James is 2 weeks younger than Drew), and me with the boys. Talk about double stroller overload!

Brady loves to sing the alphabet song and practice counting!