Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Tree

Brady decked out in his new Babylegs from Cotton Babies....putting the final touches on our Christmas tree.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Haircut

It has been quite a long time since my last post....however I believe this morning's events merit formal documentation. The day started like pretty much any other, Brady up at 6:30 am asking for "dinnow" (aka dinner aka breakfast). We had just one errand to run this morning before taking Brady to get his hair cut. We arrived at the salon 20 minutes after it opened and it was PACKED. There were 3 other children ahead of Brady. Okay I thought- no problem. I'll just let Brady play with the toys until his turn.

In the back of my mind I knew we would be getting dangerously close to both lunch and nap time. Plus he had not eaten snack. But he was in such a good mood and Drew was sleeping.... 30 minutes later it was our turn. Now this is not the first time Brady has had his hair cut. Nor is it the first time we have gone to this salon. It is designed specifically for children. They have cars and trucks you sit in while getting your hair cut, they have a TV with the ability to play a different movie in front of each station, pretty much anything a kid needs for distraction.

The instant I set Brady down into his police car chair he was hysterical. By this point, Drew had also woken up, was hungry and crying. I tried bribing Brady with fruitsnacks, singing, counting (which he loves to do). Nothing worked. He proceeded to cry in hysterics the entire time he had his hair cut. I actually had to hold him on my lap and hold his head so that the poor girl cutting his hair could finish. And the winner for Mom-Of-The-Year goes to....

He stopped crying the instant she was done. So I paid and got us out of there as fast as humanly possible. I got everyone buckled in and Drew had also finally stopped crying. I had been craving a latte all morning long. But there was no way I coud chance a stop. Drew was bound to break down crying of hunger again soon.

We pulled in the garage at 11:30 am. At this point I had eaten a couple of peanut butter crackers for breakfast, but nothing else including no latte. I was starving, but so were both of the boys. I instantly shoved 3 sugar cookies into my mouth. Some might call this emotional eating. I refer to it as Mommy Munching. It happens when you are so busy wrangling kiddos that you do not get to eat yourself. So when you finally shove something - anything into your mouth - it isn't exactly what we would put on the top 10 Superfoods list.

Both boys have eaten and they are down for nap (phew). I have Christmas decorating to finish, diapers to wash, 3 loads of laundry to do....and I haven't had lunch yet (where is that darn latte). Luckily there is a pre-made salad in the fridge for me. Or maybe I'll just go eat a couple more cookies!

Monday, October 25, 2010

A day of Mickey Mouse

Today for Brady's Birthday we had Mickey Mouse Pancakes

and made Mickey Mouse shaped pretzels (use your imagination a bit here)

Mickey Mouse Pizza for dinner...

And of course Mickey Mouse Cake

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Pumpkin Patch

We made our annual visit to the Pumpkin Patch at Joe's Place Farm last weekend. Brady had a fantastic time. He picked out a small, odd shaped, white pumpkin as "his". Not quite sure that we'll be carving it - maybe we could paint it :-)

Drew was so bundled up he looked like the boy from "Christmas Story". He pretty much slept through all the excitement. I propped him up for this photo shot and his arms stuck straight out!!

I started back to work on October 5th and am working 2 days a week. I'm still settling into the new office, but so far the 2 day work week is a great balance. I get to spend lots of time with the boys and have really gotten into the "stay at home mom" role. As noted in an earlier post, both boys are now wearing cloth diapers. It has been such an easy transition that I'm kicking myself for not starting with Brady. I've also started crafting/sewing a bit. Stay tuned for posts and photos of my creations.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall clean up with the Cornetts

Cloth Diapers

I have decided to venture into the world of cloth diapering. I was interested in using cloth when Brady was born, but as a new mom was overwhelmed with how many new
things I needed to learn. So I went the easy route - disposable. Now that Drew is 2 months and we are settling into our routines I decided to give cloth another look. I had no idea what I was getting into. There are so many different styles of cloth diapers. And for each style there are multiple brands. How on earth to choose???? Now I have to admit that my choice to switch to cloth wasn't 100% about the cost savings or saving our landfills from hundreds of diapers that don't biodegrade. Those two factors are part of my decision and do make me feel great about the change. But to be honest- I love the look of cloth diapers. They are so cute and the modern diapers come in some wonderful fabrics. I bought a couple of styles to try and will see how things go. Check out Drew in the really cute Fuzzi Bunz.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


It has been more than a month since my last post. Much has happenend this past month. I've opted to leave my current position in order to spend more time with the boys. Beginning next month I'll be working two days a week for a local office here in Portland. I'm really looking forward to the change!

Drew is almost 2 months now. He's such a happy baby and is sleeping well. Bath time is one of his favorites!

We've figured out (although I'm not sure I'd say mastered) getting out of the house with both boys. Here we are with everyone loaded...even Riley!

Our zoo trip with Kim and her 2 kids, Alison and her 2 kids (baby James is 2 weeks younger than Drew), and me with the boys. Talk about double stroller overload!

Brady loves to sing the alphabet song and practice counting!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Escape Artist

Drew may love baths....but Brady has decided he's not taking any more. He's outta here!

Things I've learned this week

Life at the Cornett household is in full swing. I have learned to juggle more tasks than I ever imagined possible. I was looking forward to my Maternity Leave for weeks hoping for a bit of a break and time to play with Brady. I'm now realizing that if I want a break I'm going to have to go back to work.

Today I actually folded the laundry one handed while holding Drew! You'd think I would have lost all of the maternity weight and then some because there is never a chance to eat.

Although I do feel like we're making progress. We've been out of the house with both boys in tow a number of times now. We even took them to the Clark County Fair. Brady loved the animals and running amok. But wasn't so sure about the ride on the Tea Cups with dad.

Drew is 4 weeks old now and getting stronger all the time. He loves to eat, has started smiling in response to my voice, and thinks bath time is great. I haven't been able to capture a photo of him smiling yet (see first paragraph about no spare time), but below are a few recent shots of him.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

And Baby Makes 4

Four Cornett Grandchildren that is..... Today Drew had his first visit from Uncle Ben, Aunt Linden, and Cousins Jude and Ada. It's amazing how much our families have changed in just 2 short years. We used to talk about making sure the boys were staying out of trouble, but we were really talking about Ben and Andy. Now with two actvie toddler boys, we're lucky to gather all 4 kiddos at the same time for a picture.

Today Brady was pushing Jude around outside in his shopping cart. I'm venturing to guess that one of the "boys" (Ben or Andy) came up with this idea because I don't think either Jude or Brady can get into the shopping cart on their own. Brady was pushing Jude on the cement, but when he came to where cement ended and lawn began there was a quick tip of the cart and Jude was toppled out onto the grass. Luckily it was a soft landing this time. Any get together without some kind of injury (to parent or child) is considered successful these days!

We're looking forward to watching all of the kids grow and play together for many years to come.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meet Drew Taylor Cornett

Drew Taylor Cornett arrived July 14th at 11:32 pm weighing 6 lbs 14 oz and measuring 19 inches. He has the good fortune of sharing his birthday with Andy's great aunt Virginia Taylor. So we couldn't resist giving him the middle name.

So far Drew seems to be an easy baby and a good sleeper. Big brother is doing fine with the new changes in the household. We're bringing the dog home today and will see how she reacts to another little one.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Waiting Game

With only 6 more days to go, we are definitely playing the waiting game. I am noticing any little change in my body that might be a symptom of labor. I think Andy is also getting a bit antsy and a couple of times has asked, "are we going to the hospital tonight".

I've been enjoying my maternity leave time by spending the days with Brady. We take regular outings to both the dog park and the "Brady" park. He has gotten really good at maneuvering through the playground and will go down the big slide all by himself.

I love how as parents we feel that every success for our child is a success that we ourselves accomplished. On Monday I took Brady in to catch up on the vaccines he should have received at his 18 month appointment (but couldn't because as usual he was sick). After check in, he played with the train table. Some of the trains had fallen on the floor. When the nurse came to get us, I asked Brady to pick up the trains and put them on the table. He immediately did exactly as I asked. Then I said, "It's our turn to go in". He took my hand and followed without even a look back at the trains. I was so proud and beaming. Inside I was thinking- I am such a great parent! Look at how well behaved my child is. Naturally there was no one else around to see my angel. It makes me laugh just thinking about it. I know that no matter how hard I try as a parent, things won't always play out the way they did at the doctor's that day. But somehow it still doesn't stop me from feeling proud.

Sometimes it really is the little things in life that bring you joy!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

Welcome to my second attempt at blogging. Since Ben and Linden paved the way, I thought that titling our blog Cornett & Company 2 would make it easy for friends and family to remember our site and keep track of both Cornett Blogs. As I mentioned, this is my second attempt. The first one went down in flames when I learned there was a heafty fee to host videos on our previous blog. I hope you'll bear with me as I come into the modern day and learn to use this site! We have officially hit the single digits in our baby countdown....just 9 days to go now. I'm doing well, but finding it tough to lug around all the extra weight (I think my body is about to go on strike). My Maternity Leave started last week and I am enjoing having the days and nice weather to spend with Brady. He continues to change and amaze us. His latest development is copying pretty much anything Andy & I say. Must be time to filter the contect a bit :-) I've inserted a couple of photos and a video to test my posting skills. The video isn't the best- we took it right after lunch which is when Brady normally goes down for nap. So he wasn't up for showing off. He currently loves to talk about opposites and had a handful that he spouts off regularly. Stay tuned for more updates!!!!